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Just Everyday Cold March

It's been months since I've posted a blog post! I've missed it. But what do they say? Life slows down for no one? Well, it’s the truth . Especially these days. I feel like the last year has been on fast-forward (for those of you born before 2005, you may know what "fast-forward" is). The days are very slow, but the months don't even give me a chance to look around and smell the roses. Not that there have been ANY literal roses lately. Hello, spring? There have been lots of metaphorical roses though. My girls. They grow at least a few millimeters a day. I can tell by the lines on the doorframe when they ask to see how tall they are now. It makes me equally happy and sad all at once. I never took into consideration that when my parents did they same with me that perhaps they felt a slight sting at each milestone... each inch we grew.  Here we are in March - almost April - but still very much winter for a North Carolina March. I'm living

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