Why I Share My Good, Bad and Ugly on Social Media

In a very imperfect world it’s easy to want others to think we have it all together, that somehow we have figured out how to navigate around heartache, loneliness, depression, anxiety, confusion, pain, anger, etc. But we haven’t. Not ONE of us have. It makes me feel sort of weird even typing that, because I think about people I know who I literally only see their good side and I question, “Maybe they really DO have it all together?” I know that’s not true though.

Look, none of us have time to DO ALL OF THE FOLLOWING:

- Eat a PERFECT diet
- Work out 5+ times a week
- Read a book weekly
- Volunteer for multiple charities
- Take care of the needs of every family member
- Keep the sink ALWAYS empty
- Never let dust collect (or dirty clothes, or algae in the toilet)
- Keep up with EVERY demand of your job
- Maintain the perfect budget
- Stay 100% on top of trends
- Spend adequate time with God and in prayer
- Stay relaxed
- Sleep at least 7 hours a night

You may do half of those or even more, but you DON’T do all of them. Some of them are obviously more important than others and even those don't always make it on our list of do's. I sure don’t do it all! So are you a failure? Am I? I used to think so. Before kids I had a super clean house and made tons of time for volunteering and studying, but who am I kidding that I think I can do that now?

I know a lot of people on social media, not a ton, but a lot and I see so many people (especially moms) post really happy things about their lives. Adventures, delicious food, toned bodies, adorable clothes. For a long time it was fun to watch, but over time I began to sense a longing for things I didn’t have and inadequate when I saw a mom’s sparkling clean house when she had three young children or simply the sunny side of life from everyone.

Don’t get me wrong. Complaining is never a good thing and it IS good to be positive and joyful, but sometimes we forget to be real in an effort to get others to believe we are somehow superhuman.

That is when I decided to be real. Sometimes on Insta-stories I post pictures of how great everything is and sometimes I show my disastrous kitchen after dinner, or at 2:00 a.m. I say how tired I am because my baby is still awake. Amongst the pictures of happy smiles and sunshiny views of life, I want you all to know that sometimes my life is just messy. I don't do it for your pity. I really don't! In honestly I really pray that another young mom wakes up the next morning after my post about my child not sleeping and says, “Thank God, I’m not the only one with a sleepless baby!” Maybe someone feels that their house is just always a shade too messy even when they try to clean it every spare minute and maybe they see my kitchen and think, “Hmm, mine isn’t worse than THAT!” I hope I can help bring you peace that way.

I pray so, dear friends. So don’t mistake my honest posts and comments for a miserable life or a negative outlook on life. I’m like you, thankful for those precious, beautiful moments, but also praying for a little extra strength in the tough days. Aren’t we all? It takes strength to be real… to be thankfully, joyfully, honest about tears and discipline, and hurt and exhaustion and need for the Ultimate Good Father. Oh He is so good.

If you feel that gnawing of “Am I good enough? Have I accomplished enough? I want what they have.” when on social media, I pray you’ll remember that most of it is only the small tip of life that people want you to see… not the dregs. Also keep in mind that life is beautiful if ONLY you look to it’s Maker.

So that’s why you see my good, bad and ugly. It may be helpful or it may just be ammunition against me, but it's not people I'm trying to please anyway. It's Jesus. 

Till next time. 



  1. I love you bestie. Your heart is real. Your love is unconditional. I miss you to pieces!



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