Even in the Darkness

The second day of 2012. I was completely surprised when I saw on my dashboard "100 posts." This is officially my 101 post on Hearts on Things Above! I've loved every moment of blogging thus far. It's almost been a year since I began this blog!

At the start of this new year I'm finding it a little easy to get overwhelmed. To be honest with you, ever since getting home from Ethiopia I've just enjoyed the Christmas bliss, but now everything starts back. I had tried to just enjoy December and not get caught up in January arriving, but it's here and I'm staring at it. And of course, these are the last few months of school for me. What I've known my whole life is going to take a little shift. I'm not going off to college though. I've chosen to stay home and do it online. The Lord hasn't really shown me what I'll be doing yet. So, I guess I'm trying to say that things look a little gray in the future. Sometimes God just says, "trust me." He doesn't want me to know everything.

That is so hard for me. I want to know everything. I want things to be how they've always been. It scares me sometimes that things change. But yet at the same time I'm happy that the Lord is doing and preparing great things. Sometimes I feel a little in the dark though. But in the darkness, the Light is so much brighter. There is one thing I know without a shadow of a doubt, that I will follow Jesus. If nothing else, if I never know again God's will, I will follow Jesus. Now, I know that I'll know God's will at some point. But if I think about it, what if I never got another blessing? What if we were to never get another blessing? It reminds me of Job and how almost everything was taken away from him. I love the lyrics from the song "Broken Praise" from "The Story" I blogged about a couple weeks ago.

But You were the One who filled my cup
And You were the One who let it spill
So blessed be your Holy name if you never fill it up again
If this is where my story ends, just give me one more breathe to say

See, we've been given all we need! Jesus has paid our debt! God owes us nothing, but yet He still gives. Can you and I say "Hallelujah" regardless of what is surrounding us? It is easy to say hallelujah when we are surrounded by Christmas lights, tons of food and many presents, but it gets harder when life starts back, when things are a little more difficult. Let me tell you, we can say hallelujah because we're happy or because we're joyful. Joy isn't dependent on circumstances. It is often a choice. I am choosing to be joyful. I'm choosing to trust God. Will you? He's never let His children down and He's not going to start now.

I will turn the darkness before them into light,
the rough places into level ground.
These are the things I do,
and I do not forsake them.
Isaiah 42:16b

It makes me think of that old hymn we used to sing at church, "I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back" and then the next verse,"though none go with me, I still will follow." I'll follow in the dark or light, in the rain or sun, over mountains or valleys. I may stumble and fall, but He promised He'd never leave me and you know what? I trust Him.


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