A Lost Note

I was sitting in church today and thinking about life and all there is to do. I was listening to my Dad preach and he went off subject (which is not totally unusual!) and mentioned worry and reminded us not to and that God will handle our problems if will give them to Him. I was sitting there being sceptical.

Well, I'm just a worrier. Poor me.
At least I'm not "as bad" of a worrier as I was. Surely I get some points for that.
Hey, and don't we kind of... deserve to worry considering how we just never know how things are going to turn out?

The last one is the kicker. Don't we deserve it? We never know how things are going to turn out. It was then that I flipped through my Bible, letting the pages slide through my fingers. I saw some of my notes sticking out from the back of my Bible. They aren't even notes. They are scribbles of paper that really are just cluttering my Bible, but for this once, I'm glad I had left them there. When I looked at the small stack, on top of a bulletin insert I had written in pink pen ink to someone in my family during service on a Sunday morning:

"I'm so worried about tonight. I'm so afraid that I will fall apart and will forget an entrance or line. There are dozens of opportunities for me to ruin things. I'm so worried."

Huh. Kind of rattled my seat. My mind flashed back to the total fear that I was feeling the day I wrote that. It was the day of the Passion Play's formal dress rehearsal. March 18th. My mind went here next:

Oh goodness, why was I so worried? Everything went so well.
There was certainly no need to be THAT worried. That's ridiculous.
There was no reason for me to worry like that when God led me through every line and every entrance.

Now, compare those three thoughts to the three from before. Interesting. Looking back I saw the foolishness and colossal waste of time in worrying. I then thought of what Josh Isaacs told me last night when I had been worrying to him about things (when I say "things" I literally mean just random things. I can find things to worry about if there is nothing readily available). He had said,"What's worrying going to do for you? It can't help anything. Worrying is only going to me make things look worse." I had just brushed him off, but he was right.

And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? Matthew 6:27

My point? My point is: Don't worry. Hey, but that is impossible! I thin...thought so too. But God has reminded me today that there just isn't a reason to worry, none. Jesus said DON'T WORRY. He gave no reason or time when it's allowed. I was so worried about the play and I looked back to see that there were times when I literally felt like angels were talking in my place. The lines weren't there, but God was.

It may not be lines for you you. It may be that the money is not there or the time or your health. Yet, God is there. Even if things fall on its face. Even if nothing gets better for you, God is there if you are His child.

Worry will always be a battle for many of us, but we have the power within us to kick it out, and not let it win.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 


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