A White Dress, Red Roses and Two Rings

I woke up Saturday the 10th of November and my first thought was, I'm not getting married today am I? And that was when I realized that my cell phone was ringing. It was Josh. He called like he did every morning. 

I got out of the bed like I would any other morning. The sun sent pink streaks across the sky, promising a beautiful day. I packed my bags full of everything any girl would need for her wedding and honeymoon. I carried my bags outside. The van was gone since Mom and Kandace had left earlier. Daddy was wearing his baggy sweatshirt, scraping the frost from my car windows. I hugged him before I got in the car and drove down the driveway alone. Tears of joy and a strange sense of sadness spilled onto my cheeks.

The rest of the morning was a blur of excitement. Makeup and hairspray and dresses. The light whiteness of my dress fell over my shoulders and I was hurried outside for pictures. Everyone looked gorgeous and I smiled happily until someone said, "Only one more hour till the wedding starts!" My stomach flipped in nervousness. My grandparents came upstairs to see me before they were seated. Someone said that the line of people to enter the church was outside the church. I asked if everything was ready downstairs. My cousins laughed and said, "Of course!" Lip gloss was smeared across my lips one last time. Mama kissed my cheek as she left to go be seated. Suddenly it was time for the bridesmaids and me to go around the church to the back door. We actually ran. We went in the back side room where they were to enter. I waited there with them and I realized that people could see me from about any angle I stood in that room. I gave up trying to stand in the corner and squatted down under a reception table. Yes, in my wedding dress I hid under a table. Daddy came in and told me it was time to go to the back of the church where we would enter. 

There I stood where so many girls dream to be. I heard the music through the door. The doors opened. I gripped Daddy's arm with one hand and my roses with other. Over 400 people stood. I felt my body tingle. Daddy told me that he loves me and then we got to the corner where I could see Josh. The moment I had been waiting for. His blue eyes caught mine and I smiled. I stepped on the roses my sister had spread as I walked toward the love of my life. 

The ceremony flew by. We said our vows, smiled, cried. Before I knew it, Daddy said, "You may kiss the bride." For the first time in my life I leaned in and gave my first kiss away. We bounded down the aisle as the music escalated. I looked into my my husband's face and proclaimed, "We're married, baby!'

The reception was full of balloons, food, voices, candy filled children and hugs. Lots of hugs. I think that Josh ate three grapes and I ate a corner of a sandwich and the rest of the time we hugged people! But it was still so good. I tossed my flowers and Josh flung the garter. We danced, cut the cake and Daddy suddenly claimed that it was time for us to leave. 

Already??? Time to leave??

It was pure bliss to walk through the crowd of friends as they swayed streamers and let balloons fly into the sky. After struggling to get in our car with all of the shaving cream under the car door handles, we left the cheering throng. 

It was a dream. We headed off to Pigeon Forge where we had a wonderful honeymoon in a beautiful mountain cabin. And then we headed to Cherry Point a few days later where Josh and I went to the Marine Ball, got me a military ID, and saw our new home for the first time. We headed back to my parents house for a week. We had a great time going to church, picking out a Christmas tree with them and playing Apples to Apples. 

Now, that's all over. I am currently sitting in our car. The back seat and trunk is jammed full of things for our house. It's just Josh and me now. 

Beyond all the details of our wedding, the joy of a wonderful honeymoon, the thrill of our new home, and the stress of all the change is the joy of something much greater. It's the joy of finally being the wife of Joshua Isaacs. I finally get to be who I am supposed to be. Each day that goes by I am more amazed that God let me marry a man as wonderful as him. 

Our prayer is that our love will be an example that others can follow. We just want to bring glory to God through our marriage and through our lives. No matter what comes or what time brings, we will be together no matter what. 

True love, God's way is worth waiting for. Love is not a fight, but it's something worth fighting for... forever and always. 

I love you Joshua Isaacs. I am so blessed to finally have your last name.


  1. I am going to start crying soon...this is SO sweet!!!! I LOVE YOU!!


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